Hello everyone. Welcome to my blogging area!

This blog is about being highly sensitive. I will tell my stories about what happens in my life as an highly sensitive person.

For those who don't know what highly sensitive is, it means that it is a personal trait and it has to do with your genes because they decide how sensitive you are. You were probably born that way. You also think very differently from others and that makes you very special! You are also empathetic too.

If you recently discovered you're a highly sensitive person, then you're like me and 20% of the population! 

I will tell you some stories about my high sensitivity's ups and downs and describe my personality to you.

Last month, I promised myself I won't hide my high sensitive to others. I said to my college leaders that I am a highly sensitive person and I don't like loud noises such as fire drills and fireworks. For the first week I stayed myself, but after it has been very hard to accept my sensitivity, let alone that my parents don't accept me as an HSP. I wear sunglasses every day during college because I am sensitive to light. I am also quite jumpy too, which means I have a strong startle reflex.

Tue 19 Oct 2021's story.

I am prone to perfection and leaving at the time I like to Youth Club, at 18:15 every Tuesday. Before than, at 17:00, I charge up my iPod because I like it to charge up for 1 hour and 15 minutes exactly, not a minute before or after - because the battery goes down quickly. However, there was traffic on the way to Youth Club, so Mum cared about that so we had to leave early. I didn't want to leave early, so I searched for money when I already had my money on me for sweets.
